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The FRITZ Sebuah hunian yang terintegrasi dengan institusi pendidikan serta akan dibangun pula sebuah office tower dan plazza komersil untuk meramaikan area tersebut. Terletak di Jalan Raya Serpong KM 8 dekat bundaran alam sutera The Fritz tower apartemen dibangun diatas lahan seluas 2,4 hektar. FASILITAS LOKASI SITE PLAN TIPE UNIT
1 Park Avenue

1 Park Avenue

1 Park Avenue A LUXURIOUS RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX IN THE HEART OF THE PRESTIGIOUS KEBAYORAN AREA 1 Park Avenue Suites & Penthouse features resort concept design with soothing flow of water as the main element embodied to its living environment. Created to provide a getaway experience, this prime residential sits in the midst of lush landscape [...]